A Short History of the Cycle Disciples By Rick Patton
It all started back in 1993 when I began to ride on the third Saturday of every month with about six friends from Morningstar Christian
Chapel in Whittier, CA. We rode pretty steady from 1993 to 1999 when I moved to Kingman AZ. We stayed pretty much in the SoCal area and went to the usual hangouts – Tom's Farms, The Rock Store, Cook's Corners,
Chaparral, and most of the cycle dealerships in the area.
One year while on the Men's Retreat at Arrowhead I was in the bookstore and bought a black T-shirt with "Cycle Disciples" on the back of it. It
turned out to be a great witnessing tool, and we had our church order some more and all the guys got them. By 1995 we were all wearing them on rides and one could say that the club started at that point. I wore out
two of the shirts and when they wore out, I cut out the backs and sewed them onto the backs of two denim vests. This is what I was wearing when I moved to Kingman in 1999. Well, I soon met Rusty and he started
wearing the other one. This is when the club really got off the ground.
Rusty, being the web genius that he is, created our web page and began redesigning the back of the T-shirt so it could be a patch. He did
a great job, don't ya' think?